SiteLink vs. Storman: What’s easier to use?

Running a Self Storage facility can be a lot of hard work, but an effective Self Storage management software can make things easier. SiteLink is the best Self Storage management software out there because it makes your job a whole lot easier.

SiteLink is cloud-based software, which aligns it with current technologies. The alignment with current technology best practice makes SiteLink the best Self Storage management software available.

While SiteLink is an in-depth and detailed software, it’s still easy for Self Storage facility owners to use. SiteLink was designed with user flow in mind, making it an intuitive piece of software and a lot easier to use than Storman.

Your access to SiteLink is unlimited. You can access SiteLink on any device, including your phone, tablet, or computer, and on any Internet browser, including Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. When you use SiteLink, you also have access to all reporting online.

The high level of accessibility means operators can use SiteLink anywhere at any time, making it the best Self Storage management software.

The biggest ease that comes from using SiteLink is the automation. With SiteLink, the need for daily processing is eliminated as each process, such as sending out invoices, receipts, late letters, and rent increase notices, is fully automated through the software. The ease of use and elimination of daily processing makes SiteLink the best Self Storage management software.

Perhaps the most telling evidence that SiteLink is easier to use and an all-round better software is the annual Inside Self Storage Best of Business awards. For the past six years, SiteLink has received the ‘Best Management Software’ award, which is voted on by users, rather than judges, which makes it an accurate description of what users think of SiteLink.

If you’re ready to change from Storman to SiteLink, the best Self Storage management software, contact us today to learn more.

SiteLink vs. Storman: What’s better for your facility?

Whatever Self Storage management software you’re using, switching to SiteLink should allow you to see major benefits in your facility’s bottom line. Changing from Storman or other software to SiteLink may save your Self Storage facility both time and money.

With SiteLink, you have unlimited access to phone support with no wait times, meaning you don’t need to spend hours on the phone before your query is answered. Any email queries you have are also answered within 30 minutes, so you can be confident that changing from Storman or other software to SiteLink can give you more time to run your business.

SiteLink offers customers unlimited access to over 300 training videos and quizzes, so you and your employees can be constantly working to improve. Training your staff can make them more efficient and productive, which increases your bottom line.

When you’re changing from Storman or other software to SiteLink, you’re switching to a Self Storage management software that’s intuitive and easy to use. With SiteLink, every button is clearly explained to make running your Self Storage facility easier. With an easy to use program, you should be able to spend more time running your facility.

SiteLink comes with complimentary multi-site management software. When you’re changing from Storman or other software to SiteLink, you might save money by not having to make those extra purchases.

The biggest time saver you could receive when you’re changing from Storman or other software to SiteLink is the added automation. SiteLink automates the day to day processing required in a Self Storage facility, like sending invoices, receipts, late letters, and rent increase notices to your customers.

Changing from Storman or other software to SiteLink eliminates the need for daily processing. This should free up a large portion of your time every day that you could dedicate to other aspects of your facility that might need attention.

If you’re ready to make the switch to a better Self Storage management software, contact SiteLink today.

How to Gain an Unfair Advantage over Competitors in Self Storage

Sitelink Storage Management Software

As Self Storage grows in Australia, so does the amount of facilities offering Self Storage. In the late 90’s the Self Storage industry took off in Australia and we saw many new sites take shape and rent up.

At the same time, an Internet revolution was growing in the background along with in the mid 2000’2 the first smartphone.

Our world changed forever. The Internet grew at rate that was hard for anyone to keep up with. At the same time, SiteLink software was being created and that equally would change the way we rented Self Storage units worldwide.

The global Self Storage industry at the time was dominated by two US brands, both serving the industry well enough and over time, technology would catch up with these products.

A new vision of a Self Storage world connected by the Internet was evolving and SiteLink Web Edition was at the forefront of this development, with standalone and web products.

Introduced to Australia in 2007, SiteLink Web Edition has gone on to become the fastest growing Self Storage software product not only here in Australia but globally and has gone on to become the most awarded industry offering.

OK, so where is the ‘Unfair Advantage” for users?

Firstly, cost. With SiteLink Web Edition, no servers are needed and users can install the product on as many computers as needed with no additional fees. For any site with 2 or more computers your costs are reduced and your access to data increases.

Secondly, web Integration. Your website is the place where the majority will find your Self Storage site and SiteLink Web Edition has the industry’s leading integration tools from inquiry, reservations, online move ins and reporting and much more.

Management Summary

Thirdly, empowerment. SiteLink Web Edition is flexible and allows you to promote and track spaces and add CRM events to build call to action events that sell space more effectively. Deliver real choice to storers with over 20 integrations.

I can hear you saying that this is just all sales clap trap.

Far from it. There are plenty of sites that use out of date software, inaccurate software and there are plenty that use all sorts of stuff from spreadsheets to bits of paper. It’s only when you sell up that errors rear their ugly head of which inevitably cost you money.

The Unfair advantage that SiteLink Web Edition users have is that they know their data is accurate with PCI-DSS certification, not just compliance, SOC1 certification and many audit tools.

SiteLink users can respond to immediate change and can deliver on trend specials and features to potential storers.

If you don’t have these tools then it’s costing you money. With regular updates to keep SiteLink Web Edition focused on the delivery of money making tools for your Self Storage business, users to really have an unfair advantage over competitors.

SiteLink created owns its own Merchant Service company, designed to deliver the latest high quality merchant services to users. Some competitive products are owned by large payment companies with a focus on transactional activity.

Our goal is to help you make money in Self Storage and we have helped more than 12,500 users.

To find out how your site can be part of the unfair advantage that Sitelink Web Edition users enjoy, contact us today.

The Paperless Office is not a Dream!


Sitelink’s eSign paperless agreement technology delivers secure paperless leases and agreements for users of SiteLink Web Edition.

The Paperless Office is not a Dream!

Self Storage sites around the world generate thousands of pieces of paper every year and once you have been business for several years the storage of thousands of agreements. Some will say that’s okay because you’re in the storage business – reality is that these agreements take up space and importantly are not that easy to locate.

SiteLink Web Edition recently added a new feature called eSign. Using this feature means that self storage operators, managers and staff can prepare electronic agreement for signing my customers using commercially available trackpads or tablets in the store at time of sign up.

There are a number of practical reasons why using the digital signature technology will save storage operators time and money.

  • Agreements no longer need to be stored in paper files taking up space.
  • agreements are electronically verified and can be viewed by staff and management.
  • Electronic retention means that these agreements are recoverable in the event of a dispute or litigation.

One of the key features of the new technology is that there is a signature component for the facility manager to sign, ensuring that the lease has been reviewed.


A management console is designed for lease auditing by senior staff and that all electronic agreements and leases and agreements can be ordered for compliance which is a very time-consuming task when leases and agreements are on paper.

Sitelink’s eSign agreements are available in HTML format to deliver a professional looking appearance and for multiple store operators; these agreements can be cloned across all stores easily.

Under the Australian electronics transactions Act UETA documents executed online with electronic signatures that are not exempted or excluded are legally valid with the same legal standing as paper documents executed by hand.

Sitelink’s eSign technologies designed to contain the attribute that the Australian electronic transactions act, UETA and ESIGN set forth for electronic signature to be enforceable. Each of these acts reinforcing the validity of many types of electronic agreements. According to a ESIGN for example a contract may not be denied legal effect, validity, or enforceability, solely because electronic signature for electronic record was used in its formation.

Providing an extensive audit trail that serves as a third party validation of transaction completion, including information such as the signers email address, name, authentication method, IP address with timestamp, document hash codes, and an embedded signature certificate provides safety and legal redress as to the validity of the signatory party.

eSign agreements are kept on file electronically for seven years, which is to use pass the statutory limit for the legal requirement for record-keeping by business. If you are a SiteLink user in Australia or New Zealand and want to know more Click Here

Self Storage Software

Self Storage Software draft

To run your Self Storage site successfully, you will need to use a reliable and user friendly Self Storage Software, to ensure that the important things like tenant move-ins, end of month reporting, billing and accounts are all kept up to date, systemised and secure.

There are lots of different brands but SiteLink Software stands out as a user favourite having won the prestigious “Best software” category from Inside Self Storage the leading Self Storage publication 4 years running. Self Storage is a service business like many others. Customers conduct their research on the Internet like they do for most things.

Your company website, more often that not will be the first touch to your business, linking potential customers to you. The key to winning the business that can come from this experience is getting your message across clearly and efficiently and then giving the potential customer the ‘chance to buy”- This is where not all Self Storage Software is the same. Full integration with your unit database and the website is essential so that the potential customer can rent a space from you right there right now, should they choose to.

Unfortunately there are a few Self Storage Businesses that decide to opt for the traditional route and do their admin and move-ins via paper form, which can lead to an array of problems! Human error is inevitable, people make mistakes and can cost the owners a lot of money. Can you now see why investing in a self storage software is so important for a business? It really does take the headache and minimise the admin time spent on optimising your management system.

Self Storage Software draft

Thousands of these online move ins happen every day and Self Storage Software like SiteLink Software makes it easy for these transactions to occur. Once the customer has rented a space, they will want to pay for their storage online. SiteLink Software provides a simple web template that can be added to the website so that self Storage payments can be made.

It’s easy for new operators to skip these steps and make the wrong choice of Self Storage Software that does not offer these built in features. This can be a costly mistake, handing online reservations and online move ins to competitors.

Self Storage Software also automates the daily billing task. SiteLink Software provides schedules of letters to be sent every day by email SMS or post. Keeping up to date with his task is easy with Self Storage Management software, SiteLink Software. If you are an existing operator and want to change to SiteLink, we have conversion programs for Winsen, StorMan Software, RentPlus, Syrasoft, Self Storage Manager and many others.

When you reviewing your Self Storage Software options don’t forget PCI compliance. PCI Compliance is critical to ensure the safety of Credit Card transactions.

Want to know more about SiteLink Software? Contact us here to start your free trial!