DSS Compliant and Security controls

Certified: Safe

We are a self storage management software that is PCI DSS Level 1 Certified and SOC-1 Accounting Compliant.

All merchant accounts are required to be PCI compliant to ensure the highest level of security protection for credit card data. This white paper describes the 10 steps for the Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQ) which is part of the PCI DSS compliance certification process.

PCI DSS Level 1 Certification

PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards) refers to the payment cards industry data security standards. PCI data security standards are requirements determined by a council (PCI SSC) consisting of representatives of companies with global card networks such as American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and JCB. They ensure the security of card and PCI DSS Level 1 is a set to a standard to ensure the highest level of security for businesses that store, transmit, or process credit card data.

The highest compliance level, PCI DSS Level 1, identifies any merchant who processes more than 6 million Visa transactions per year. This high level of verification is granted only if the merchant, at Visa’s discretion, meets level 1 requirements set to minimize risk to the system.

PCI Compliance Level 1 is one of the four PCI merchant compliance levels and two service provider compliance levels established to protect the security of credit card and cardholder data in e-commerce and in-store transactions, essential in modern Self Storage businesses.

A “Level 1” merchant is defined by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) as someone who processes at least 1 million, 2.5 million, or 6 million transactions per year, depending on which credit cards the merchant accepts. Therefore, PCI Compliance Level 1 is the highest and most stringent PCI DSS level.

Sitelink ensures PCI DSS level 1 compliance with internal tools and 7 digit, rotational passwords.

PCI SAQ Certification Process cover page

Learn more about the PCI
SAQ Certification Process

Download the 10 steps white paper written by Charles Denyer, one of North America’s longest licensed Payment Card Industry Qualified Security Assessor (PCI-QSA).

About Charles Denyer

Charles Denyer is one of North America’s longest licensed Payment Card Industry Qualified Security Assessor (PCI-QSA), working with merchants and service providers all throughout the globe in achieving PCI DSS compliance efficiently, cost-effectively, and in a comprehensive manner.

He is the recipient of numerous accounting and technology certifications along with a Masters in Information and Telecommunication Systems from Johns Hopkins University and a Masters in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville.

His expertise includes information security, cyber security, national security and homeland defense, and he conducts independent research projects on specific subject matter for various entities.

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